Drawing is as old as the cave drawings of prehistoric times, was rediscovered in Roman times and is once again in the spotlight in the 21st century.
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Cave drawings

The art of drawing is as old as the first cave drawings like this beautiful drawing in the cave of Lascaux. This cave was discovered in 1940 by four French teenagers. This world-famous Lascaux cave is located in the Vézère valley near Montignac and has a large amount of well-preserved paintings. The works of art were created between 15,000 and 10,000 years ago, as far as is known. Read on at historiek.net and see many more beautiful cave drawings there.
The discovery of the art of drawing

While searching the Internet I came across this nice article by Paul Bröker about a warthog and the discovery of drawing which shows that cave drawings took place much earlier and a nice story from Roman times about a woman in love using her lover’s shadow to make a drawing of him.
Link to the article (in Dutch)
The Big Draw

The art of drawing is more popular than ever. Drawing was not considered art in the 20th century, but as a means to make “Real Art.” In the 21st century, there are galleries showing only drawing art and a drawing by a well-known artist can easily fetch 40,000 Euros. There is also a focus on drawing like the Big Draw to raise awareness of drawing. The Big Draw is a worldwide drawing festival for everyone. At the end of May you can find the program for 2023. Read now about all the activities that have taken place before and get in the mood to participate this year!
Painting and drawing classes
With me you can take online painting and drawing classes and you can try it out for free with the challenge “Painting for a Month.” In this course you will get an assignment every week for four weeks. We will photograph, draw and paint and we will get inspiration from ourselves, art history and other contemporary artists. At the moment it is only available in Dutch, but it will be translated into English. If you want to keep posted, please assign to my newsletter.